Silver Willow Ladies Learn-to-Shoot
Targets: 40 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
Must Preregister
A fun, 2-hour learn-to-shoot event
Designed for very new or first time shooters only
Coaching provided by Silver Willow trained guides and NSCA instructors
8:30 am – check-in
9:00 am – classroom session
10:00 am – groups of 4 ladies will be paired with an instructor + head out onto the course
Lunch to follow
$95 registration fee – Sponsored by Alberta Sporting Clays Association
Includes 40-50 targets, shells, shotgun rental, instruction, lunch & door prizes!
Only 40 spaces – pre-register soon – this event always sells out!
Located at Silver Willow Sporting Club (30133 RR 20, Mountain View County)
Dress for the weather – this even will go rain or shine
**Please note, pre-registration for this event closes June 15. Non-refundable, unless the event is cancelled.
Registration may not be open