Western Canadians - Silver willow
Western Canadians will be hosted by Silver willow in Carstairs. Please register online. 325 clays, please register on the silver willow website.
Chinook shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Blackmore Cat's Paw (Registered)
120 Main and more depending on weather.
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
Junior Learn to shoot - Silver Willow
Junior learn to shoot at silver willow. 40 clays. register at silver willows website
Cabin Fever - Wapiti shooters Club
Wapiti Shooters club cabin fever. - Exact details to follow, but Prelim on Friday - 100 targets & Main on Sat & Sun - 240 targets total
Sporting Clay Shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Big Brothers/Big Sisters fundraiser - Hidden Ridge
Non registered fun shoot. Registration will be 10:00am to 11:30am. Shoot
starts at 12:00pm sharp. Catered meal at approximately 4:00pm. Silent
auction throughout the day, prizes and raffles after meal. Shoot price
includes 120 targets, meal, and prizes (NO SHELLS SUPPLIED). Six shooters
per squad, less than full squad will be squaded by committee. Early bird
pricing is $175.00 per shooter on or before May 3, 2025. After May 3,
ticket price will be $200.00 per shooter. Cheques made payable to Big
Brothers/Big Sisters of Lloydminster, E-Transfer to
brenda.robinson@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca or payment in cash is accepted.
Any donation for silent auction or prizing to support Big Brothers would
gladly be accepted and appreciated. All sponsors will be recognized at
the shoot and by Big Brothers for their contribution.
TO BOOK CONTACT: Alvin Flath, Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, P.O. Box
251, Blackfoot, AB, T0B 0L0
Cell: 780-808-1151 Email: arflath@hotmail.com
Brenda Robinson
Work: 306-825-5757
Cell: 306-821-6175 Email: brenda.robinson@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Blackmore Black Spruce (Registered)
100 Main
100 Bonus
50 CFS
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
Calgary Oilfield shoot - Silver willow
Calgary oilfield shoot at silver willow. to register contact sbosse@datascavenger.com
Pheasants forever - 4 person team shoot - silver willow
Contact Terri Bass 403-336-1145 or terri@pfcalgary.ca to register
Blackmore June Kaboom (Registered)
100 Main
100 Bonus
50 CFS
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
70th anniversary shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Ladies Learn to shoot - Silver willow
Ladies learn to shoot please register on silver willow sporting club
SL - Bushwackers 2025
Bushwackers event 2025. We will have 100 bird Prelim, 100 Bird True Pair, 50 Bird Sub gauge, 65 Bird Super Sporting. Main event will run Sat am 80 birds, Sat pm 80 birds and Sunday am 120 birds. Three meals provided Saturday and two Sunday. Dry camping available. Please let us know your coming. All target presentations will be different everyday. subgauge and super sporing can be shot Friday or Saturday. shooting opens Friday at 10 and prelim and true pair must be started by 5 pm.
SL - Oilmen's
Slave Lake Oilmen’s shoot July 5th 20 teams available. 25 single trap, 50 double trap and 80 sporting clays targets. Three meals and prizes throughout the day. Dry camping available. Please register early. $875 for each team with lots of sponsorship opportunities.
Blackmore White Spruce Blast (Registered)
100 Main
100 Bonus
50 CFS
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
Sporting clays and sub gauge shoot - Mossleigh
Saturday is sporting clays Sunday is subgauge Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Blackmore Open 2025 (Registered)
Blackmore Open 2025
900 Targets More details to follow!
Any Questions call 780-216-2529
ICTSF worlds - Wapiti Shooters Club
ICTSF worlds sporting competition. register on scorechaser.
Oilmens - Hidden Ridge
$2,500.00 per 7 man squad. Each full squad gets a sign on station and
listed on the main board. Single tickets $375.00 per shooter. Less than
full squad will be squaded by committee. Tickets must be paid one week
prior to shoot. Cash, Cheques and E-transfers accepted, cheques made
payable to Alvin Flath, E-transfer to email below.
8:00 am – 10:00 am – Registration and Breakfast
10:00 am – 4:00 pm - Shooting of 120 targets (shells included)
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm – complementary cocktails and substantial prizes
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm - Supper ( steak w/sides and desert)
6:00 pm – ??? - complementary cocktails
TO BOOK CONTACT: Alvin Flath, Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, P.O. Box
251, Blackfoot, AB, T0B 0L0
Cell: 780-808-1151 Email: arflath@hotmail.com
Construction Association shoot
Non Registered fun shoot. Registration 10:00am - 12:00am. Shoot starts at
12:00 noon. Shoot includes 120 targets, shells, catered meal and prizes.
TO BOOK CONTACT: Dorothy Carson at:
Work#: 780-875-8875 OR Mobile#: 780-872-8875
Lloydminster Construction Association, 4419 52 Ave, Lloydminster, AB,
Blackmore Clays Ablaze (Registered)
100 Main
100 Bonus
50 CFS
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
Wind up - Hidden Ridge
Non Registered fun shoot. 200 targets, Club members may use their shoot
cards (steak meal included). Non member price is $200.00 (steak meal
included). Non members not eligible for prizes. Prizing for members is a
trophy for high handicap, First prize draw for members in attendance
only. Second prize draw for all current members in attendance or not.
TO BOOK CONTACT: Alvin Flath, Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, P.O. Box
251, Blackfoot, AB, T0B 0L0
Cell: 780-808-1151 Email: arflath@hotmail.com
Buster day ture pair and no whining no crying shoot - silver willow
200 bird shoot register on silver willows website
Blackmore Creepy Clays (Registered)
100 Main, 100 Bonus, 50 CFS
120 Clays
Depending on Weather.
Questions contact 780-216-2529.
Fall sporting clays and sporting shoot - Silver Willow
100 bird fun shoot register on silver willow website
Volunteer shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Fall Trap shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
Turkey Shoot - Mossleigh
Contact Les Myers 403-650-1923, Bill Worthington 403-540-1080, Kris Marthaller 403-601-9097, Scott Warner 403-870-9463, Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
BSS - Blackmore Jingle Shells
Blackmore Jingle Shells
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529
SW - Silver Willow Winter Classic
Silver Willow Winter Classic
Targets: 100 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
Must Preregister
BSS - Blackmore Black Spruce
Blackmore Black Spruce
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529
SW - Silver Willow Fall Sporting Clays and Turkey Shoot
Silver Willow Fall Sporting Clays and Turkey Shoot
Targets: 120 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
Must Preregister
BSS - Blackmore Creepy Clays
Blackmore Creepy Clays
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529
SW - Silver Willow Buster Day true Pair & no whining no crying shoot
Silver Willow Buster Day true Pair & no whining no crying shoot
Targets: 120 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
Must Preregister
BSS - Blackmore Challenge 4
Blackmore Challenge 4
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays & CFS | Registered100 Main50 Canadian Field Sporting
for more info 780-216-2529
HR – Windup Shoot
Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays WINDUP SHOOT
Non Registered fun shoot. 200 targets.
TO BOOK CONTACT: Alvin Flath, Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, P.O. Box 251, Blackfoot, AB, T0B 0L0
Cell: 780-808-1151 or Email: arflath@hotmail.com
MH - Fall Hat Trick
Fall Hat Trick
For any questions or concerns please email Leann at mhtrapclub@gmail.com.
Register 403-502-5780
BSS - Blackmore Clays Ablaze
Blackmore Clays Ablaze
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529
HR - Hidden Ridge Lloydminster construction association shoot
Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays Lloydminster construction association shoot
Non Registered | 120 targets
TO BOOK CONTACT: Alvin Flath, Hidden Ridge Sporting Clays, P.O. Box 251, Blackfoot, AB, T0B 0L0
Dorothy Carson Work#: 780-875-8875 OR Mobile#: 780-872-8875
SW - Silver Willow Ducks Unlimited shoot
Silver Willow Ducks Unlimited shoot
Targets: 100 | Sporting Clays | Registered
Contact Terri Bass 403-336-1145 or teri@pfcalgary.ca to register.
Non registered fun shoot, 120 targets

Clays For Kids - De Winton - A.H.E.I.A
Clays For Kids will be hosted by the A.H.E.I.A Calgary Firearms center in De winton, AB.
Teams of 4 are $4000. Individual entry is $1000.
15 stations, Clays and Ammunition. Meals, shooting coach, live and silent auction. Participant gift provided by Bertta
Meet and greet with a special childhood cancer Hero
Tax receipts.
BSS - Blackmore Open
Blackmore Open
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered
900 Main
for more info 780-216-2529
GP - Wapiti Shooters ASCA Provincials
GP - Wapiti Shooters ASCA Provincials
Wapiti Shooters Club - Grande Prairie
Targets: 200
Type: Sporting Clays
Mossleigh Gun Club - Sporting Clays shoot #2
Mossleigh Gun Club - Sporting Clays shoot #2
200 targets saturday
150 targets sunday
Contact Frank 403-684-3513 or Les 403-650-1923 for more information or to register. Mossleigh.gunclub@gmail.com
BSS - Blackmore White Spruce
Blackmore White Spruce
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529
GP - Wapiti Shooters Bill Bramely Challenge
GP - Wapiti Shooters Bill Bramely Challenge
Wapiti Shooters Club - Grande Prairie
240 main, 100 prelim, 50 super sporting, 100 CFS, 50 subgauge
BSS - Blackmore Challenge 3
Blackmore Challenge 3
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays & CFS | Registered100 Main50 Canadian Field Sporting
for more info 780-216-2529
SL - Slave Lake Bushwackers MAIN
Slave Lake Bushwackers MAIN
280 Targets | Sporting Clays | Registered
Contact Slave Lake Rod and Gun club for registration info.
160 main saturday and 120 main sunday.
Dry camping available.
SL - Slave Lake Bushwackers true pair
Slave Lake Bushwackers true pair
100 Targets | Sporting Clays | Non-Registered
Contact Slave Lake Rod and Gun club for registration info.
sub gauge, super sporting, prelim, main and true pair game will be set up for the weekend.
50 sub guage,
65 super sporting
100 prelim
100 true pair
380 main event over two days
meals provided saturday and sunday.
Dry camping available.
SL - Slave Lake Bushwackers superporting, subguage
SL - Slave Lake Bushwackers superporting, subguage
SL - Slave Lake Bushwackers prelim
Slave Lake Bushwackers prelim
100 Targets | Sporting Clays | Registered
Contact Slave Lake Rod and Gun club for registration info.
SL - Slave Lake Oilmens
Slave Lake Oilmens / Industry shoot
155 targets
25 singles trap
50 doubles trap
80 sporting clays
three meals.
Contact slave lake rod and gun club for registration info.
SW - Silver Willow Ladies Learn-to-Shoot
Silver Willow Ladies Learn-to-Shoot
Targets: 40 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
Must Preregister
BSS - Blackmore June Kaboom
Blackmore June Kaboom
Blackmore Challenge Shoots | Sporting Clays, Sub gauge & CFS | Registered100 Main100 Bonus round50 Canadian Field Sporting50 Sub Gauge
for more info 780-216-2529

MH - Sporting Classic
Sporting Classic
For any questions or concerns please email Leann at mhtrapclub@gmail.com.
Register 403-502-5780
SW - Silver Willow Winchester 2 person team shoot
Silver Willow Winchester 2 person team shoot
Targets: 200 | Sporting Clays | Must Pre Register
2 person team shoot - Must Preregister